Unlimited Access to Tom Daves- seriously, we are your business partners
Lifetime membership in the National Association of Expert Advisors so you can leverage our PROVEN, done for you marketing tools to grow your business
LIVE weekly calls with NAEA where you can ask questions and implement processes into your business NOW.
Done for you listing and buyer presentations we’ve used to sell over 6,000 homes so you have a proven system to win clients
Certified home selling advisor designation so you are training on how to win every listing at your price and eliminate discounting forever
Certified home buying advisor designation so you have a system of attraction that gets buyers to run red lights to meet with you.
Prospecting Gold, our scripts and dialogues for you or your ISA to make money through outbound prospecting that we used to 272 transactions in 12 months
Inside Sales Bootcamp - our 3 day private client course breaking down how to execute outbound callers to scale your business.